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How to Integrate Cashfree Payment Gateway in PHP with UPI Intent

How to Integrate Cashfree Payment Gateway in PHP with UPI Intent


Integrating the Cashfree Payment Gateway in PHP for UPI Intent is a straightforward process. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up the integration, including creating orders, handling callbacks, and checking order statuses.

How to Change Title in NextJS Client Component

How to Change Title in NextJS Client Component


In Next.js 13/14, the App router offers excellent functionality, but you may encounter difficulties when attempting to change the page title from a client component or one that utilizes 'useClient' at the top. However, I'll provide methods and techniques to demonstrate how you can successfully modify the title from a client component.

Convert XML to JSON with JavaScript

Convert XML to JSON with JavaScript


Explore how to convert XML to JSON using JavaScript, providing an in-depth guide along with code snippets to help you understand the process and implement it in your projects.

Validate Form with React Hook Form and Zod in NextJS 14

Validate Form with React Hook Form and Zod in NextJS 14


In modern web development, form validation is a crucial aspect of creating user-friendly and secure applications. In this guide, we'll explore how to leverage the power of react-hook-form along with zod for robust form validation in a React application.

How to Integrate PhonePe Payment Gateway in PHP

How to Integrate PhonePe Payment Gateway in PHP


Learn how to integrate PhonePe Payment Gateway into your PHP website with this step-by-step guide. The tutorial covers HTML form creation, backend PHP code for form submission and payment initiation, and callback handling for transaction status.

A PHP Library for CRUD Operations with REST API

A PHP Library for CRUD Operations with REST API


Perform basic CRUD operations effortlessly without the need to write custom PHP code. The scripts are designed to be dynamic, allowing users to interact with the API simply by understanding the provided documentation and making HTTP requests.

The Impact of 5G Technology on Connectivity

The Impact of 5G Technology on Connectivity


We will experience a transformation in how we connect, interact, and consume information with the arrival of 5G technology. With the promise of bringing faster speeds, lower latency, and enhanced connectivity, this next-generation wireless technology will enable the delivery of a new generation of services and applications.

How AI and Machine Learning Disrupting Traditional Industries

How AI and Machine Learning Disrupting Traditional Industries


Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are two of the most potent technological developments of our day. They are having a significant impact on a wide range of industries, from healthcare and banking to retail and manufacturing, because to their capacity to analyse vast volumes of data and generate predictions.

Google Bard vs ChatGPT

Google Bard vs ChatGPT


Two of the most popular chatbots using artificial intelligence (AI) that will become accessible in 2023 are Google Bard and ChatGPT. Which is better? Let's discuss


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